09.11 Woman of 1900

This gallery contains 7 photos.

In times of yore, when seas were wide, And ladies’ legs were stetson-wide, A prude woman of nineteen hundred, Embarked on a voyage, her heart aflutter. With bonnet perched and corset tight, She stepped aboard, a curious sight, Her starched skirts billowing in the breeze, As the ship set sail,…

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09.02 Cyberpunk

This gallery contains 7 photos.

Cyberpunk is a subgenre of science fiction that emerged in the 1980s. It typically portrays a dystopian future setting, often in a gritty and technologically advanced society where individuals and corporations coexist in a cybernetically enhanced world. The genre often explores themes such as artificial intelligence, cybernetic enhancements, virtual reality,…

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09.00 Traveller

This gallery contains 2 photos.

Traveller in Mind and Fantasy A wisp of thought, a painted scene,My mind, a stage, where dreams convene.No map I hold, no charted course,Just inner lands, a boundless source. I walk through forests, emerald deep,I climb the peaks of mountains high,I sail on seas of sapphire hue,I wander through forgotten…

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